
Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The rising stock market condition comparing to the previous few years have opened vast opportunities of investment and saving money by that. The open market, recent economic and financial policies have transformed the investment industry into a more flexible and approachable area for all class of people. Those with moderate earning can now think of buying and selling stocks and make it as an avenue for income.

This revolution has set trends for wide spread investments in stock trading by all types of people from various backgrounds. Sometimes, they do not even have enough idea how to handle a stock portfolio or a single stock. For this often they end up with huge loss. But if you can proceed sensibly with a prior knowledge on stock management and a little awareness on the basics on stock trade, you can save lots of money.

Here are few tips on sensible stock management process to save money -

- Before you start buying a stock analyze the market condition and the prospects of various industries including different companies. There are many risk factors that you always should be aware of. There can be market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, inflation risk, currency risk, liquidity risk etc.

- Calculate the beta of the market. As you will know the beta value, you can easily apprehend the forthcoming changes in stock market.

- Estimate the correlation. It will help you to presume the change of an index with the time series considered.

- Acknowledge the volatility of the stock. This is the ultimate help to determine the behavior of a stock.

- The return and risk ratio of a particular stock market can guide you on where to invest and how much to invest.

- Also calculate the value at risk to measure the risk of a single stock or a stock portfolio.

- To neutralize the risk, consider the option for hedging. Hedging is the complete process of analyzing and determining the necessary steps to be taken on a single stock.

- Consider the drawdown option to save money. A drawdown at the correct time can fetch you huge amount of money. Also the amount of drawdown affects on the profit value.

- There are different options of position sizing. There are fixed amount model, baseline model, equal leverage model, percent volatility model etc. Choose the most suitable one to save maximum amount of money.

- As you buy the stocks, determine along side how much money you are prepared to loose. Then set a stop-loss level to save money.

- Along with stop-loss level, calculate the cut-loss and take-profit levels. Also test the liquidity of the stock to determine the characteristics of your stock.

- Do not forget to raise the stop-loss level as your stock starts to get profit.

- Along with these basic financial and market analysis procedures, you must enhance your own personal
character to suit with the changing stock market. You need to be very careful, organized, analytic, patient and a strong ability to take decision sharply and implement them completely.

By following these basic tips for sensible stock management process, you can save money and earn huge profits at once.


Thinking about investing in the stock market? Not sure where to start? Here is a step by step guide to getting started in the stock market.

Step One: Evaluate Your Financial Situation
Before getting started in the stock market, it is important to determine whether or not you can really afford to invest in stocks. Start by looking at both your savings and your debts. If you have credit card debt or an auto loan, it would make no sense to invest in the stock market. The average annual stock market return is seven percent. If the interest rate you pay on a credit card or auto loan is any higher than that, you will be much better off paying down your debt versus investing in stocks.
Step Two: Decide What to Invest InThe next step involves deciding which stocks to invest in. You have two main options: straight out stocks or mutual funds. Stocks are shares of ownership in a company. A mutual fund is pooled money from a large group of investors that is invested in stocks, bonds, and other securities. Mutual funds are often the best choice for beginning investors because they are managed by someone else and are easy to invest in. Whatever investment option you choose, be sure to research your picks before you buy.

Step Three: Decide How Much to Invest
When you have chosen your investment vehicle, the final step is deciding how much to invest. A good rule of thumb is to not invest any more than you can reasonably afford to lose. No stock pick is guaranteed, which means it is just as easy to lose money as it is to make money. It is also important to think about diversification. Spreading around the money you can afford to invest is the safest way to get started in the stock market.


Although the stock market can be profitable, you need to have a solid understanding of what stocks are and how they can be bought and sold before you can begin to make any money.

What are Stocks?
Stocks are shares of a publicly traded company. When you buy a company's stock, you buy a portion of that company. There are two types of shares: common shares and preferred shares. Preferred shareholders receive guaranteed dividends; common shareholders do not.

Using a Brokerage
There are three ways to invest in the stock market. The first involves using a brokerage. Investors can choose a full service broker, who will offer investment ideas and prepare reports about investments, or a discount broker, which will simply execute orders. Discount brokers are considerably cheaper, and are usually the best choice for hands-on investors who are already familiar with the stock market.

Direct Investment Plans
The second way to invest in the stock market is through a company's direct investment plan. There is no commission to pay, and the stock is exactly the same. Investors who choose this method typically know exactly which company they want to invest in and how many shares they can afford to buy. If you are interested in going this route, contact the desired company and ask about the availability of a direct investment plan.

Dividend Reinvestment Plan
The final way to invest in the stock market is through a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP). Companies that do not have a direct investment plan usually have a DRIP plan. To invest in a company's DRIP plan you need to hold at least one share in the company. You can then purchase fraction shares and build your portfolio without paying brokerage commissions.


Trading stocks can be intimidating if you aren't familiar with the process, but that doesn't mean you can't learn how to do it. If you want to give stock market trading a try, get started here with this beginning guide to stock market trading.

What Trading Really MeansWhen applied to the stock market, the term trading can be a little misleading. You don't actually trade stocks like you would baseball cards. In the case of stocks, trading translates to buying and selling.

The Easiest Way to Trade StocksOpening a brokerage account is the easiest way to trade stocks. You can choose to work with an individual broker or a firm. There is typically no fee required to open an account, but you will need an initial deposit. Required deposits will vary depending on where you go.

After You Open a Brokerage AccountAfter making your initial deposit, you can choose which company or companies you want to buy stocks in. If you are inexperienced, it is best to start off with only a few shares so that you can acquire a diversified portfolio. Your broker will be able to tell you how much a share sells for and will also be able to complete the transaction for you.

The broker will then deduct a commission from your account as a fee for his services. The shares you bought will be stored in your brokerage account until you decide to sell them--a task your broker will handle for you for a fee.

Stock Market Trading Without a BrokerYou don't need a brokerage account or a broker to invest in stocks. Many companies have direct stock purchase plans that provide the opportunity to buy stock directly from the company. When you want to sell the shares, all you have to do is mail the stock certificates to the company's stock transfer agent


Stocks represent shares of ownership in a company. When a company makes a profit, company stockholders profit too. If you are a beginner interested in investing in the stock market, there are three basic principles you should be aware of before you get started.

A Diversified Portfolio is Recommended

Investing in the stock market is a gamble, but there are ways to minimize your risk. One of the easiest and most effective methods is portfolio diversification. Having a diverse portfolio means that you don't put all of your eggs in one basket. In other words, you own stocks in different companies (preferably though different industries). This way if one company's stock declines, you still have a chance to make money with the rest of the stocks in your portfolio.

Investing Regularly Will Increase Your Profits

If you want to makes real money in the stock market, you need to save and invest regularly. This is known as dollar cost averaging, and it works amazingly well over the long term. For example, if you invest $1,000 in stocks, you will most likely have approximately $2,000 ten years later. If, on the other hand, you invest $1,000 every year for ten years, you'll end up with $14,000.

Investing for the Long Term is the Best Way to Make Money

Stock investing is a way to grow you money over a long period of time, which means it is important to be patient. It takes an average of ten years to double your money in the stock market. If you can't wait that long or if you will need to tap into the money you are investing in the near future, stocks may not be the ideal investment vehicle for your situation.


The buying, holding, and selling of stocks is how investors make money in the stock market. If you are interested in learning stock trading, there are three crucial basics you should learn as soon as possible.

Broker Commissions Vary
Brokers have access to electronic markets; individual investors do not. For this reason, most investors have a broker or brokerage firm to handle trades on their behalf. The fee or commission for this service varies depending on the broker and the services being offered. Some brokers (discount brokers) handle the transaction and nothing else. Other brokers (full service or traditional brokers) offer investment advice and other services in addition to taking care of the trade. It is a good idea to compare services and commission fees prior to choosing a broker. Large commissions can cut your profits severely.

You Must Pay Income Tax
When you sell (trade) stocks, you have to pay capital gain tax on your profits. This is important to keep in mind while you are watching your investment and making the decision to sell. If the money you spend in brokerage commissions and taxes eats up all of your profits, trading the stock may not be the best idea. On the other hand, if your gain will be exceptionally large, you may want to consider making a quarterly estimated payment to the IRS to cover the tax.

Long Term Investments are SafestShort term stock trading, also known as day trading, is a lot like gambling. It can be a very risky venture for the amateur investor. This method of stock trading should not be attempted by beginners. It is much safer to look to the long term. This means investing and leaving the money sit until a sizable profit has been made.


What are momentum stocks? These are stocks that are from the fastest growing businesses and stocks on the market. These stocks rise rapidly and profits are dependent on exact timing. Day trading is often done using these types of stocks. They are not without risk, but the promises of substantial gains are a large factor in their popularity.

Using momentum stocks:

Swing trading:
Swing trading will also make use of momentum stocks. The stocks will be held either for a number of days, or a few weeks. These stocks are traded on the principles of optimism, when they rise and pessimism, when they fall. This market is very volatile, and fortunes can be made and lost in just a matter of hours or days. It is important to be very savvy about the market trends and rising companies when you indulge in this form of stock trading.

Day trading:
As the name implies this is when stocks are traded within the business trading day. This is the highest risk trading with momentum stocks. It will rely on perfect timings to catch the best peak to sell stocks. Momentum stocks are used for this kind of trading. Again certain companies are studied as hot popular movers. As the momentum stocks go up and down, they are sold and bought to correspond with these patterns. Profits are made and lost based on timings.

Trading with momentum stocks is a very exciting way to make money but you need to know what you are doing or you can lose a lot of money. You will not be perfect every time in your timings so be prepared to lose a little as well as gain profits.


Making money in stocks is not a game for the beginner. You will need to practice some basic principles to be able to succeed and make a profit. Be sure that you know how to invest and when to sell before you start on this exciting but challenging way to make money.

3 Basic tactics for making money in stocks:

1. Understand the meaning of market trends: the movement of the market is called the market trends. Stocks and commodities will rise and fall in certain pattern. Different things will cause this and you need to be aware of these factors. You will need to know when the movement of a stock is rising so that you can invest and profit, before it falls. Timing is everything to be successful with stocks trading and when you understand the meaning of market trends you can time your investments and exits.

2. Do your research: Research your stock and the company before you invest: it is important to understand individual stock movements before you invest. To do this you should not only follow the trends but check the company in question as well. When you check out the company you will be able to predict the stock movement better.

3. Look into some stock trading systems: There are a lot of software companies that specialize in stock trading systems. These help you to understand and gage the movements of certain stocks and decide whether they are good to invest in. These trading systems can come up with certain stocks that will be good to invest in and save you a lot of work. However before you put your complete trust in them remember to backtest them first.


Marl, The Stock Trading Robot, contrary to what it's creators would have you believe is not unique. There have been automated trading systems for years on the internet, be they in FOREX or the stock and bond markets. What is different about Marl is the way in which stocks are analyzed and the information relayed. I'm sure many of you ( much like myself until a few years ago) possessed a very rudimentary knowledge of investment strategy and terminology. To me the stock market represented the boring few seconds before the newscaster got to sports. However, I now know that with a solid knowledge of the market and a tool like the stock trading robot the market can be a powerful money making tool.

What Exactly does Marl do?

When I first heard of the creation this was the first question on my mind, and at first the answer seems quite straight forward; Marl analyzes penny stocks. In essence, this is true however I feel that it is important to explain how exactly the process happens. The Stock Trading Robot analyzes a stock's trading patterns and looks for patterns using mathematical algorithms. Let's say that company XYZ for a 7 day period of time traded at either +/- $0.50 of it's beginning week value. Marl breaks down the trading record and determines at which points the stock peaked, and the points where it's value declined. By doing this it is able to tell you a time to buy or sell the security.

Right now you may be thinking that the Stock Trading Robot is your ticket to early retirement, and if this is the case, please listen to what I am about to tell you. Human analysts have been trying to predict the stock market since its inception over a century ago, and they are still no closer. Tools like Marl are certainly helpful, but the best way to have a long term healthy return in the market is to utilize a sound investment strategy. I have known many people who lost huge portions of their savings by simply putting all of their eggs in one basket. The penny stock market which The Stock Trading Robot deals primarily in is a volatile market. It has the greatest potential, risk and also the greatest potential return. For your investment strategies I highly recommend that you utilize knowledge and all other tools that may be available to assist you. Is the stock trading robot one of these tools? From my own experience, yes it can be. However, you as the investor must exercise both prudent financial judgment and common sense when dealing with any security.


Hello again, in the article this week there is some outstanding information on how to trade options successfully. Earlier we covered the technical aspects of options trading and now it is time begin putting it together in a workable trading plan.

It is imperative you trade with a plan. No trader has ever successfully prospered without a trading plan or with a plan that they didn't stick to. The main aspects of a good trading plan include, but are not limited to:

1. Money management rules, i.e. acceptable profits and losses per trade, how much capital you will commit to any one trade and to the market at any one time. It is important you identify what your stop loss margin is (as discussed last week) and even more important you stick to it. Writing this sort of information into your trading plan will help cement it in your mind. We will discuss more on money management in week eight.

2. Stock and option identification rules, i.e. how you will decide which stocks to trade options on and which options you will trade. You should figure out if you like technical analysis, fundamental anlysis or a combination of both. How big will your watch list be? Will you trade lower priced stocks or higher priced stocks? Do you like trading in the money or out of the money options? What Greeks will you consider?

3. Entry and exit rules, i.e. how you will decide to enter and exit a trade, how long you will stay in a trade and how often you will trade. Entry and exit rules will depend largely on technical analysis, write down the patterns and indicators you will look for. Deciding how often to trade will be a big factor in your success. Most people over trade, if you have a fixed profit target then once you have met it you should stop trading. Going for an extra profit over and above what you planned for can possibly lead to a loss, which is very difficult to handle if were showing a profit originally!

4. Your own strategy rules, i.e. which trading strategies you will use primarily and which strategies suit your risk profile. "Know thyself" as the ancient Greek saying goes is critical when formulating a stock options trading plan. You will tend to trade options and you do anything else in life, for example, if you are cautious by nature you will trade cautiously, if you are impatient in everyday life you will trade impatiently. Therefore consider your unique traits and formulate your plan around them.

Once you have practiced trading options you will discover your own style of trading, and from that you will develop a plan that suits you. Once you have your plan, and you know it works, stick to it through thick and thin. That doesn't mean that a plan can't be changed but you must ensure that you give your plan a chance to work and that you don't change it the first time you take a loss.


Doubling Stocks Review

I found Doubling Stocks some time ago and what a ride it has been! The recommendations have been great all along.

No, not every pick is a winner, but to my knowledge, there is no one on the planet that can make that claim. However, they have been right more than 90% of the time since I got involved.

Recently, Doubling Stocks hired someone to create a software program for them. They did not hire just anyone, they contracted with a man who designed a stock analysis software program for Goldman Sachs - a program that nets them approximately 4 Billion Dollars in profits a year.

Now that is the kind of guidance you want!

They call the program a "Robot Named Marl." Marl performs the technical analysis: analyzing the charts, the fundamentals, etc for thousands of companies. When you couple Marl with Michael Cohen's honed capabilities, you end up with some real winners.

We usually get a couple of recommendations from Doubling Stocks every Sunday evening. But every once in a while, you get an email telling you the picks are being delayed a day or two. When that happens, it is almost always worth while - and usually turns into a real blockbuster.

The Doubling Stocks recommendations spell out what stocks to buy and why. They also give you the entry point (what price to pay) and a target price (when to sell). I find that these picks are usually a week or more ahead of anyone else picking them up and recommending them. Which puts those of us who have bought, on very solid footing.

This has got to be the least expensive newsletter out there. And I am guessing that is why some people think it is a scam of some sort. They can't believe this kind of information can be so cheap without some kind of a catch.

But I have found Doubling Stocks rivals those costing thousands of dollars a year. Most of the people I know, get the entire cost of the subscription - plus- a substantial profit on their very first trade.

If Doubling Stocks has any openings left when you read this, give it a try. If it turns out that it is not right for you, they will give you your money back. So you really have nothing to lose - and that is unique in this business. The expensive newsletters won't give you your money back no matter what.

If you are like me, you want to see what kind of information you will be getting - that is, you want to see an actual recommendation. Even though I am not supposed to, I have posted a current one on my website to give you a sneak peak.

I want to be clear about this: I am not promoting the recommendation - as you will see, there is no need to.
Just want to give you a glimpse of what you can expect should you decide to join up with the rest of us. Take a look and check it out, and then you decide for yourself if this is the kind of guidance you are looking for.


Trend following is a term used in trading stocks. It generally refers to an investment policy that tries to take advantage of long-range movements in the market. Some stocks will show a certain pattern of behavior, which are termed as trends. Following these trends will help an investor decide whether a stock will be a good investment.

Understanding trend following:

What do we mean by trends? This is the movement of stocks and other trading commodities. They go up and down in certain patterns. These patterns are known as trends. When you study these trends it is known as trend following.

Studying the trends:
Study the trends of the stocks you want to invest in carefully. It is critical to your success to understand the movements or trends of the market. Some stocks will start on a roll and continue for a certain period. When you use trend following and understand this movement you can invest at this time and make a profit before the stocks start to fall.

Trend following with Forex:
this is extremely important in forex trading, as this is a market that goes up and down quite quickly. It is important to practice careful trend following in this part of the trading market. Profits will be made and lost solely on your correct knowledge of trends.

To be successful in trading stocks or any other commodity you need to understand how to follow the trends. When you do this you will be able to make a good profit trading stocks.


There are quite a few trading systems on the market. They are software that helps you to take the guesswork out of when to buy and sell stocks. You need to be careful to understand how to use them and be able to use your own judgment. It is very important to know how to backtest your trading system.

Backtesting trading systems:

Consider the length of time: The length of time it will take to backtest your trading system will depend on the amount of trades it generates per week, or month. The more trades it generates the shorter amount of time you will need for backtesting. You should backtest with at least 600 stocks to get useful results. You can also avail yourself of backtesting software to help you with the math involved.

Different types of trading systems:

Choosing your trading system: There are many different types of trading systems. Some will give you a large number of trades per week or month others will give less. You will need to choose the one that best fits your purpose. It is wise to look up the reviews online to understand and evaluate the different trading systems better. Just enter " trading systems" in Google and many review sites will come up.

A trading system is not just software it can also represent a certain way that you actually trade. This can be a certain method and set of basic rules that you follow when you trade stocks. Once you have your system in place you will then be able to duplicate it every time you trade.


You may day trade small share size amounts for whatever reason. It could be that you are starting out in day trading, you have to reduce your trading size for any number of reasons (e.g. trying to break out of a slump so you want to get some "small winners under your belt"), or your money management rules state that you must trade a smaller share size for now. If you are in this position, yet you still want to have respectable profit potential, consider this day trading stock tip to help you focus your time on those symbols with sufficient "intraday range."

In day trading, the "intraday range" is defined as the day's High Price minus the day's Low Price. This value will tell you much about the stock's movement during the day and how market participants (including fellow day traders) perceived the stock's value for that particular market session. It also shows you how much profit potential you "theoretically" could have made if you had bought at the day's Low Price and then sold it at the day's High Price; the inverse would be true for shorting a stock.

Since you do not know how much of a range any particular stock will have tomorrow, take a look at the stock's "character" to determine if it should be a symbol you add to your "watch list" the next day. Many software packages offer a value for the 20-Day "Average Daily Range" which takes the previous 20 intraday range values and averages them. You may get this value from other websites and add-on software packages if necessary.

Assuming you already filtered your universe of possible day trading stock candidates by price, minimum (or, in some cases, maximum) Average Daily Volume, exchange on which the symbol is traded, and any other filtering methods you use, get the 20-Day Average Daily Range values for the symbols which are still in your universe of possible day trading candidates. For each symbol, take the 20-Day Average Daily Range and divide it by the previous day's Closing Price. Convert this value into a percentage.

Then do the same calculation with the symbol's corresponding sector index (or even a broader index like the S&P 500). Those symbols with the largest percentages, especially those which have larger values than the sector/broader index, will be the symbols with possible (although never guaranteed) chances of having significant intraday range the next day. If you employ intraday trend trading strategies using smaller share sizes this could be a useful tool to help you narrow your focus.

Of course, you are welcome to use another time frame instead of the 20-Day Average Daily Range. Also, be careful of intraday "air pockets" where you may not be able to get out of a trade at the price(s) you wish due to a lack of liquidity at the time you wish to exit your position. Day trading stocks with significant intraday volatility can result in significant slippage and impact to your trading accounts, so be disciplined if you use this suggestion.


A common question among traders, new and experienced, is "how do you know if you have a good system?". Well one obvious answer is whether or not you're making money. But is there a more quantitative measure we can apply? Absolutely, it's called the expectation value of your trading system and it's crucial that you know it for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it tells you if it's possible to make money trading the system or not. The second reason is that it can help you evaluate your money management strategies.

If the expectation of your system is negative it will be impossible for you to make money. If on the other hand your system's expectation value is positive you can make money. Your expectation value will tell you the average amount you can expect to make on a trade over the long haul. But the interesting part is that once you have a positive expectation system it is money management that will be the biggest factor in how fast and how large your bankroll grows. If you have a high positive expectation but your account doesn't seem to be growing very fast then it might be a sign of poor money management. Having said that, it turns out, that even a system with a mediocre positive expectation can be turned into a money machine with the right money management techniques.

So how do we calculate expectation?

Here's the equation

Expectation = [1 + (W/L)] *P - 1

Where W = average size of a win, L = average size of a loss and P = probability of a winning trade.
So for example, if we've been tracking our trades for the past 100 trades (you do track the details of your trades don't you?) and we found the following

Average win W = $454
Average Loss L = $458
Probability Win = 63% (in other words 63 of the last 100 trades were winners)

Our expectation would be

Expectation = [1 + (454/458)]*0.63 - 1
Expectation = [1 + 0.99]*0.63 - 1
Expectation = 1.99*0.63 - 1
Expectation = 1.2537 - 1
Expectation = 0.2537

What this expectation is telling us is that with the system we used to get the results used in the example above, for every $1 we risk on the trade we can expect to be rewarded with a profit of $0.2537.

It's important to understand that this is not a predictive value, but a measure of past performance only. It tells us how our system has performed historically, not how it will do in the future. Also note that the calculation didn't have anything to do with how the trades were chosen. The only thing that matters is that the same system was used for all the trades involved in the above calculation. If at some point during our past trading we changed our system then we would need to begin new calculation using data from our new system.
So if it's not predictive what good is it? We'll nothing is "predictive" in the markets since we don't know the future, but having an expectation based on past performance can still give us an idea of the probability that our system will perform for us in the future. So obviously the more historical trades we have the more comfortable we can be that our system will perform with a "similar" expectation in the future.

Knowing the expectation of our system allows us to do a few things. We can determine if it's possible to make money or not. If it's positive we know we can make money (assuming it's positive enough to overcome commissions and slippage), if it's negative it will never make us money in the long run.

Also, knowing the expectation value of the past X number of trades we can now go back and experiment with different money management techniques to see how it would have affected our overall account balance. Even with a positive expectation, different position sizing choices can produce very significant differences in account balances over time due to the effects of draw downs and the compounding of our returns. The expectation value along with the probability of a winning trade can be used to go back and perform money management experiments to help us understand the effects of money management on our bankroll given the system we're trading. You can learn more about this in the Trader's Guide To Money Management at the end of this article.

Lastly, knowing the expectation value of more than one system allows us to make a quantitative comparison of historical performance between systems. This can help us decide when it's time to change systems or troubleshoot our existing one.

So what's the next step? Find or develop a trading system with a positive expectation and then focus on money management. Of course developing a system with a positive expectation isn't exactly trivial so if you can find one that's already been developed then by all means use it. In the end, the expectation of the system you trade is indifferent to who created it. If it's positive and you apply good money management techniques then you're on your way to some serious money.

As a trader I believe it's important to focus on your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. By using the Doubling Stocks newsletter to provide me with stock picks that have shown a high positive expectation I can focus on money management where I can make the biggest difference to my bankroll.


Perhaps selling your options in the market is the decision taker for all the profits and losses. Selling, when talking as activity, is actually the most important aspect for any business and the same applies to this market. Each trader trades in different options of different companies, whether they are purchased for day trading or options have to be sold according to market conditions. However, selling of those options demands a better timing and great coordination to the market conditions.

Well, it should be noted that timing for sale of stocks is never perfect and satisfactory. Most of the traders, before they sell, keep a hold of them for some time. They seek that as soon as the profit line starts to decline, they can sell that and when they are at their minimum price, they try to grab their ownership looking for the increase in the price in the near future. However, for long-term investors, his decision for buying and selling is comparatively easier as they have a whole lot of analysis with them on the movements of stocks.

The selling part of trading is especially not easy. There are two conditions in the process of selling despite the ups and downs of the market. In the first case, there is always a probability that the trader might hold them, and in respect to its future down coming, he may end up selling them. However, most of the times, they feel that holding the stocks for some more time would fetch them some more profit. This situation must however, be avoided because a sudden downfall might have brought the trader losses.

When the stock is going down, some traders sell them and end up having less profit or no profit. But some traders hold that options with them with the hope that it might increase in the next future. This trading technique, here, completely turns out to be a failure most of the times. It should be noted that there are rare cases that they go down and shoots up in next future. Here, a trader who holds them might have to bear heavy losses. Hence, it is advisable to sell those options as soon as possible when it goes down.

However, a trader might hold that stock but this decision should accompany a well-calculated approach. The past trend of the particular ones must be well studied and if it shows better recovery aspects than there is no harm holding them for the future growth. Hence, it can be concluded that selling stock is all about timing, though, timing is never perfect but proper calculations can fetch a day trader better returns.


Most have a hint of the stock trade, however, incomplete and often misguided. Read the article carefully and check your knowledge about the basics of stock exchange from it. First of all, what are these stocks? Before knowing about the whole process of the business, you need to know that these are floated by companies when they want to expand their business. That is, if a company becomes huge enough to be trusted, it floats these. The people who buy these are actually offering money to the company to help it in its business. Now it does business with this money. Since it does business with this money, it also gives a part of the profit drawn from the business to the investing person. This share is actually proportionate to the amount of share price the person owns. However, the process is simple, without much intervention of a broker till now. It is only that the person having done stock investing is called the share holder now, not a trader. This is about the primary sale.

A company sold it and a person bought it. The company gives the person a part of its profit. What is the thing called a day trade then? What are these exchanges meant for? The sale of shares from the company whom it really belongs to, directly to the person is called as primary sale. A company generally has no control of its shares after this point of time. Suppose that a very renowned company sells these in the market. Also side by side, a company with low performance sells its ones. There is no function of stock broker till this point. Both sell the shares at the same price that they are going to invest into their business. But whose ones do you think will get higher demand? Obviously, the renowned company is the one.

This is the principle on which the whole process operates. The renowned company's growth is very imminent and hence the person holding its portions will get a greater profit. The shares will thus have a great demand. And the person who invested into the renowned company would sell these at a much higher price. This stock trade traditionally takes place in stock exchange. In a similar way just the opposite happens to the shares of a company that sees a doom. They become a burden to the holder; because either they give no profits at all, or the profits incurred are too meager to be called well, lower even than what one can easily get from a bank deposit. This causes a decrease in demand of these holdings. Then its price in the market declines.

Thus the prices of stocks rise and fall with the economic future of the company as observed by the people. If the company looks to rise in the future, the price increases. Whereas if its future looks dark, the price decreases as the people in the market are more intended towards selling. It is all about demand of the stock. If a company that was not performing well in the past suddenly starts succeeding, its shares suddenly see a rise. The converse is true when a well doing company suddenly starts losing its hold on the market.

Here comes the importance of the brokers. He acts as a mediator in the whole trading process and also helps in maintaining your financial portfolio. The online stock broker is a website that employs software to serve you in online market trading giving you the advantage of very low commission rates and is also more convenienent.


Wall street stocks appeared much higher today as corporate earnings jumped signaling positive trends for the stock exchange. Sustaining market hiccups the stock market is basking in its newfound glory with more cash inflow into the market.

The strong buoyancy in the corporate sector mainly Information Technology sector also contributed a lot in empowering the stock market. But, Apple and Google whose stocks touched a new high in this present stock market boom hogged the limelight. Apple rose by 6.4 percents a record growth rate. Google also witnessed an impressive growth of 2.3 percent. Good news sparked many impulsive buying boosting the stock market further.

Nasdaq Composite rose by 0.6percent. Coming right after is Nasdaq 100 went up by 1.1 percent. Coming right after that is the Dow Jones Industrial Average witnessed a growth of 0.2 percent.

American Express augmented its growth by 10 percent. Subsequently, it raised its provision for loan losses by 25 percent. Whirlpool, also fared pretty well in quarterly earnings, sustained by global growth. It also turned out to be lucky day for transport stocks like transport stocks and logistics companies.

Telecom company stocks also started off with a bang increasing its net income by almost 42 percent.
Consequently, its shares also rose by 1.1 percent. Earnings of major multinationals surpassed expectations. Even small capital investors were able to garner profits from this boom. With many young investors joining the bandwagon the picture appears much rosier currently Riding on its newfound economic prowess it is not ready to settle for anything less than the best to satisfy their daily needs, a fact, which has been attested by media reports recently.

Those who failed to benefit from this stock market boom were Texas Instruments which

fell by 9.3 per cent. This sudden drop disappointed many in its fourth quarter citing bad revenue guidance as the possible reason. Other backbenchers in the race included Lexmark, which dropped a new low after it made sudden plans to cut 10 per cent of its workforce.

Energy companies also incurred loses because of weaker oil prices. With the prices of essential commodities like oil and gas on the rise, the benefits of the stock market boom was only available to a lucky few. With the middle class still struggling on the brink to make both ends meet the stock market boom can hardly prove to be effective for all. To reverse the trend the concerned government must get an egalitarian policy in place so that everybody is able to reap the benefits equally.

Some of the technology companies like Amazon, Broadcom, and Juniper Networks are yet to report their results.

Dupont also increased by 8.5 percent overshadowing low stock market growth in the previous quarter.
So, it makes sense to spare a few moments to get yourself on track and reap rich dividends. So, in case your are contemplating with the idea of making some stock market investments it is the right time to take the leap.


Do you wish to earn some good profit from the stock market? Have you ever pondered why some people become millionaires by stock trading whereas some others have to struggle in it?

The difference between the successful and the unsuccessful in stock market lies in the strategy they employ. Employing a well-educated and deliberate strategy would help you gain from the stock trade, whereas giving in to greed and haste would expose you to the risk of loss. Following are some strategies that you can use to turn the trade your way:

To succeed in the stock world, you need to make long-term strategies. It does not mean that you should buy stocks and keep waiting for months to see the prices change. Long-term means that you make your own wisely decided entry and exit strategies for stock trading and follow them infallibly. However, you may emend the strategy as you gain more experience.

Before going into the day trading, you want to have a good knowledge of the market. The figures at the stock exchange are influenced by a huge number of factors, many of them too subtle for a casual trader to study. The deeper you understand the economy, both nationally and internationally, the better are your chances to earn profits. This is the reason why experience counts a lot in the stock exchange.

The more risk you can take, the more profits you can earn. Stock market is meant for all - those who want to take bolder risks, as well as those who want to play it safe. Before going out for trading stocks, therefore, ensure how much risk you can manage to take. For example, if you are a 25 years old guy, you can take risks greater than a 35 years old man who has his family to look after. A proper knowledge of how much risk you can afford will confer you with greater confidence while trading.

Beware of scams going on in the market. Most of them are going to allure you with advertisements such as "Double your money" or "Be a millionaire in a fortnight". Don't fall after them; you will end up nowhere.
Trading stocks is in no way like a gambling. It is a business - the more skills and understanding you develop, the more you earn from it.

If you are hiring a stock broker to assist you in making the trading decisions, hire a good and experienced one. He can impart you with good advice, and you can also learn strategies from him for the future.

A currently emerging mode, online stock investing, has attracted a good number of people to use it. You can use it from any location on the globe if you have a computer connected to the Internet. You can find the online stock broker not only time saving and user-friendly but also cheaper. But before going for one, you should read the terms and conditions thoroughly.

For efficiency in stock investing, you need to free yourself from the clutches of your emotions. Make it a rule - never let your decisions be guided by your emotions. You will obtain better results if they are guided by your wisdom and knowledge. Emotions make your decisions whimsical, rendering all your experience useless. Funnily enough, there are also some people who go for the stocks with names starting with S because their wife's name starts with S. This is ridiculous. If you are the prey of any such sentiment and blind beliefs, abandon the habit.


Stock Market- a lot of speculation, a market to dream, see them shattered and still keep dreaming; a place where you fulfill your dreams or call it a gamble... what you want to view it as is really your choice!!

Today's vision is to earn as much money as possible and get as much returns with an intelligent investment plan. With the boom in the emerging markets and the advent of the Internet and computers, investment in stocks is indeed a lucrative option. And with stock trading systems such as online trading, a lot of toil and money is saved if one wants to invest in the stock market.

The market scenario is rather volatile with the emerging markets playing a significant role in them now. So, to earn the maximum amount of returns from your investment, what is absolutely essential on your part is to get a decent knowledge of the company's portfolio in which you invest. Besides this, when you do hire an online broker, remember to check the records from other clients of your broker. However, online stock brokers offer consultancy services at cheaper rates because they guide investors through a number of investing options and help them choose the best, whereby they can earn higher returns.

Online stock market trading offers an almost clear picture about the present market scenario because the unscrupulous middlemen are absent. Being your own master, you can carry out online stock market trading as your time permits. This has another advantage- while trading these stocks; you can follow the swings that the market has to offer and decide for yourself which are the weaker stocks that you want to trade away for healthy investment in the market. The advent of new trading systems along with the brokerage companies ensure to the investor that long term trading is also possible online besides day trading. A host of banking options with e-broking accounts facilitates these transactions without hassles.

In general, a financial consultant managing your funds between bonds, mutual funds and the share market, will advice you to keep your investment in stock markets for a long time- say a minimum of two years. This reduces the risks, as the effects of market volatility do not affect the price of the stocks in general. Since the trading indices always show an upward trend over a long period of time, the chances of earning a decent return is also pretty high. However, if you go for day trading, you can earn quite a bit of quick money by monitoring the market movements and trade a stock quite a few times in a day. This requires one to have a fair idea of the circumstances beyond the company's control that can affect the stock prices.

Having glorified the online trading system, it should be noted that online trading of stocks could lead to various unwanted scams that a successful stock investor should be aware of. So, try staying away from programs that promise of doubling or tripling your returns!

A successful trader is one who can balance his portfolio of risks and returns well and this of course needs a lot of research!


It is very easy for those invested in the stock market to get complacent when it comes to monitoring their portfolio, especially 401Ks, IRAs and Mutual Funds. When our portfolio starts to take a dive, we figure that it will eventually turn around. Many people feel the professionals must know more than them, so they don't pay much attention to their investments. It can also just be too depressing to look closely at your portfolio, so we choose to forget about it for a while. This is a huge mistake and can cost you a substantial amount of money over the long haul. If you spend just a little time each week looking at your portfolio, you can recover this lost income.

Let's just say that by paying a little closer attention to your portfolio that you are able to get an extra 1.5% return. At first glance you might say, "big deal, I'll keep my blinders on". In fact, this small percentage increase can return a lot more money than you are probably thinking.

Here is an example of how much more money you can bring home, just by monitoring your more closely. If you start with $100,000 and your compound rate of return is 6.5%, you will have $352,365 at the end of 20 years.

Now take that same $100,000 and use 8% compound rate of return, which is just a 1.5% difference from the example above. You now will have $466,096 at the end of the same 20 years. This is almost $114,000 of additional cash in your hands by just paying a little more attention to your portfolio. Now imagine what this figure would be if you could increase your return 2, 3 or even 5 percent.

This is the power of compounding. A compounding rate of return can work magic for you and it doesn't take that much of a percentage change to make a huge difference. All you need to do is take a little extra time each week and don't be afraid to make changes. The one who cares the most about your financial future is YOU.
Control Your Success!


Many of American investors considers that getting global investment exposure just means buying some US exchange listed Pepsi shares or some other such international company which has a huge part of its income outside USA. But this is not the real investing way to get global exposure. Global Investment for the most part is not just buying US companies with source of income around the world, it means owning the real thing, and its not Pepsi.

It means investing to non-US exchange listed companies in select foreign countries! Buying US listed companies with high non-US Dollar revenues have the same baggage/handicap other US companies have, among them: very high employee expenses, possible unfunded US pension liabilities, too much complex balance sheets and a few the executive options perk back dating nonsense. And mostly US stocks have very high p/e ratios' and very low at dividend yield. Most of all US stocks are priced in US currency, likely to be very weak currency from now on.

Foreign shares are priced daily in dollars to US based investors but the point is the underlying stock is in a foreign currency. So if A,B or C's stock price does not move at all, but the US Dollar continues to decline its value, his stock price in US dollars will move-up nevertheless.

US investors especially should consider owning value shares in emerging market for high dividend yield, high growth, low p/e's and US currency declination protection. Especially in Asia market, countries like Thailand, Malaysia and India still has a lot of very good potential and low risk shares to buy and hold for a least 1-2 year from now (2007).

To US investors whom want global exposure, I suggest to own the real thing, and it is not just Pepsi


Have you heard of stock exchanges? Moreover, have you heard of online stock trading? Do you know the various advantages it possesses over the traditional trading? Through online investing, you can earn without the need to leave your current job. You can use it as a part-time income for your financial growth.

Stock exchanges are the places where stocks are bought and sold. Anyone who has been to one would envisage a crowd full of confused voices as he hears the term. But luckily, stock trade does not compulsorily need you to be present amid such a bustling crowd any more. Although a major part of the trade still runs in the traditional market, it is constantly drifting toward its online version.


Since it is not advisable to let your money sit idle, a good investment is always the much sought after thing. Stocks can be a good option to invest into, and if you wish to do it all conveniently, investing would be a good choice. When you invest in stocks, the company whose stock you've invested in will do the business and give you your portion of the earned profit. The main attraction of the entire game is that all you invest is money. You do not want any labor or time into the business. And you gain the profit. Something like your money works by itself to grow.

You can easily use online trading option as a part-time source of income. If you spare a certain amount of money every month for this, you can gain decent returns in long terms. But the thing is that you will need to be consistent in investing. The low commission rates offered online further make regular small investments possible and feasible. And as a rule, if you want greater profits, you need to take bolder risks, whereas less risk is required if you want a small and steady return. And always remember to distribute your investment in a number of stocks rather than investing all in a single one.

Online stock trading is the use of the Internet for trading stocks. Internet has revolutionized the trade, as one can trade at the comfort of his home now, requiring just an Internet connected computer to get connected to the market. However, along with this, he needs to have an account with an online stock broker. These are websites that employ software programs to serve you. Today an increasing number of people are going for the online way of investment due to their numerous advantages over the traditional method:


The online stockbrokers are very cheap in the commissions they charge. This is because they are software programs and are designed to serve many clients worldwide at the same time; hence, even a small per head commission would earn them good sums overall.


When you go to the traditional stock market for trading, you need to waste a lot of time in traveling to and coming back from the place. But there is no such problem with online stock investing. You can access to the exchange right from your home. So all the function is at your fingertips. This saves you a lot of money and time.


Since you do not need to waste any time in online trading, you can go for it without the need to take a leave from your full-time job.


Online trading also offers an independence of time, since it is 24-hours running, unlike the traditional one that is open only during the office hours


Investing into stocks has become a very popular source of earning, now opted by many people. Some use part-time whereas some others indulge in trading full-time. As obvious, you can find numerous advices online about how to trade stocks and how to maximize your profit from online investment. They are often too elaborate; if short, they do not generally provide complete information. Here are a few advices, however, that will help you a lot in online stock trade. But the only thing is that you should follow it sincerely without failing.


This is one of the most important factors that will decide how your trade will go on. Before going for registration with some online stock broker ensures that the site qualifies for your needs in the following aspects:


The commission rates charged by the online broker should be low. Online brokers normally charge commissions far lower than the traditional human brokers. Keep this in mind when you are looking for online trading site.


Check the modes of payment the company accepts and sends you money. If you are comfortable with credit card, make sure that the company allows this mode of payment. Going for a company with unsuitable modes of payment will draw you into mess in some later time.


Read the terms of agreement carefully. Although much of it may seem the same, there may be some special things that you might be concerned with. Do not ignore any one of these points. Read each of them carefully.


Every online broker has some minimum balance that must be maintained. If you do not know about any such thing and the balance goes below this, you may have to pay fines, sometimes quite huge. So, be aware of this amount.


Before trading, plan the upper and lower limits of the stock price. Once the price reaches any of these limits, sell it. What most of the people tend to do in the market is that they expect the stock price to rise and hold it when they should ideally sell it. If the stock takes a south turn, they lost on the deal they could have earned from, or lose more from a deal they would have lost only a little on.


Keep yourself cool. This helps in online trading as much as it does in any other thing, or perhaps more. When you are cool, you make better decisions, applying all your strategies in action. Never ever take whimsical or sentiments-driven decisions while dealing with stocks.


To give stock trade a professional touch, you want to have a good knowledge, not only of the stock market but also of anything that affects it, directly or indirectly. A wide variety of factors, economic, political, and climatic and many more, affect the rise and the fall of stocks in the exchange. Knowledge of the current state of these factors and their effect on the prices would help you predict which stock will go up and which will turn south. However, a good grip on this will take time and will gradually grow with experience.

While trading stocks, most people are likely to forget these rules to successful trade, giving up to haste and making quick unwise decisions. But it is strongly recommended to adhere to these suggestions, even while you are in the most nervous state of mind when trading online; doing so will bring to you huge profits.


There are certain times that the calculations and expectations do not go with the situation of the stock market and the stock price may fall. Therefore, holding and expecting it to rise in the near future is not intelligent. It is to be noticed that stock market is one of the most unfathomable markets and there are certain times when the prices fall or increase due to other reasons, not linked to any wise investment decisions. Hence, certain things are to be bagged every time a day trader seeks his investment in stocks.

The first step starts with picking the stock for buying. To buy stocks, it is of utmost importance to decide the company one wants to invest in. Any publicly held corporation is one of the choices available on stock exchange. On the other side not everyone can invest in privately held corporation run by particular group of investors. Fortunately, most of the larger companies are categorised in public companies, giving a trader a sheer chance to evaluate his investment target.

To evaluate any investment target, fundamental analysis and technical analysis prove a great help. Fundamental analysis includes the process of studying the company's management and current position in the market. Technical analysis, on the other hand, is based on the evaluation of charts to identify trends of the companies.

Once a trader is through with the investment target, it's time to get a broker at the service. A broker is the only person that can execute the orders of buying and selling stocks. There are two types of brokers available at trader's service. The stock brokers on one hand get most of the research work done for the traders and device the transactions, discount brokers on the other hand do not provide any advice, and they only act as middlemen to device buying and selling. However, the difference in their services varies with the amount of service fees charged.

Once, the broker is designated as the key person maintaining all other work. From advising to execution of orders and from research to maintaining the portfolio, the brokers provide all the services. However, the actual boss remains the trader. It is the trader who accepts or rejects the advices of the broker.

Well, the shares, which are purchased, have to be sold by the trader. Bulls in the market are generally beneficial to the trader where he gets a chance to sell the shares at high prices for what he purchased. But, it should be kept in mind that sometimes waiting for the share to grow more and more can fetch loss to the trader as it takes few moments for a share to break down to earth. Hence, it is recommended to limit the losses by selling the shares at sheer time.

Well, it is wise to sell the stock, which is going down, rather than holding it, and expecting it to grow in future. Also, execution of stop order can save the trader some heavy losses. It is the facility provided by stockbroker where a particular stock is sold at particular price. The trader orders his broker to sell it before crossing certain low limit that helps to maintain a decent profile and can save the trader from heavy losses. Hence, buying and selling need intelligence, planning and good broker that can advice well.


When it comes to investing in the stock market a lot has been said and written. So much so that you would think everybody would know how to manage their money in this arena. In reality however, nothing could be further from the truth. Even though people can easily access a wide range of financial information these days, successful investing remains a mystifying topic for many people. The biggest problem is not the lack of information. There is plenty of information around for anyone who wants it. The real issue is the lack of security and predictability, that is inherent to the stock market, and people's ability to deal with it.

People love to be secure and in most cases they like to be able to foresee things at least to a minimum degree. At the same time however they want to make a profit; the more, the better. And unfortunately high profits are usually accompanied by high risk. Feel the dilemma here? Of course, one solution to this dilemma would be to simply put your money in a savings account, collect a little interest and just relax. If this sounds good to you, well, good for you, but don't bother reading the rest of this article.

Which means that if you're reading this, you're probably not satisfied with the meager returns from today's savings accounts and you want to let your money work just a little harder for you. But you would still like to minimize your uncertainty right? Let me give you a prediction with a very high degree of certainty.

If you invest in the stock market you will inevitably:make money some times, lose money some times. That should at least cover the uncertainty factor. Perhaps this sounds a bit simplistic and if it does, good, it should. Because the point I am trying to make is very simple. You just can't make money every single time you make a transaction. Even Warren Buffet did not make money on every investment he has ever made. The best investors and traders in the world lose money on a certain number of their transactions. So don't get too hung up when it happens to you.

Fortunately it's very hard to lose money every time you invest. Perhaps you could find some people who claim that they lost on every investment they've ever made, but chances are they are not telling you the truth. Even they have made money on some of their transactions. However they probably re-invested that money into other stocks that ended up losing money. It's a lot like the guy sitting at the slot machines. After playing for a while the machine starts chucking out a whole bunch of coins resulting in a nice profit. But instead of calling it a day and taking his winnings home, the guy simply keeps pouring money into the machine until the very last coin. Then he goes home wondering why good luck never comes his way.

It's important to face the reality of losing some money from time to time and be ok with it. This does not mean that you should feel ok every time you lose money. Your goal should always be to make a profit. Just be aware of the fact that you can't realistically expect to make a profit every single time. This will ease some of the fears of failing, since losing money on an investment doesn't mean you have failed as an investor. Many people never get started just because they're afraid of losing money. And if they do lose money, they feel they have failed and retreat from the stock market in its entirety, never to return again.

If this hasn't happened to you personally yet, just look around. Can you remember a time when either a colleague or a relative would frequently inform you of their investments? Just about every time you bumped into them they would tell you how good their stocks were doing and how much profit they were making. And then, all of a sudden, they completely dropped the subject. You never heard them talking about it again. And if anyone asked them how their stocks were doing, they would either mumble something inaudible or utter some kind of defensive statement. What happened? They lost their money and withdrew from activity in the market. They have essentially given up, and in doing so, they've lost. Not because they lost money, because they gave up.

If you want to be a successful investor, you can't be like that. The though of giving up can pop up in your mind when things don't seem to go your way, but you should never give in to it. When it comes to success in investing your attitude is more important than your knowledge, just as in many other areas of life. Now, I am not saying that you don't need knowledge. You should try to learn about investing, at least enough to get a basic understanding of how the stock market works. Neither am I saying that it's ok to be an idiot and not learn from your mistakes. You should learn from them, as much as you possible can. Just realize that you will not be right 100% of the times and as long as you're investing in stocks you will not be able to prevent making mistakes.

So before you put your money into the stock market, or any other investment for that matter, remember this: You will win some and you will lose some.


It seems that we now only put value on complexity or what we often label as "advanced". The buzzword today in trading is "indicators, indicators, indicators". Which one is the best?

The mentality. If I can use a remote control to turn on my TV then I should be able to find similar technology as a trading solution. Because a computer can solve anything if it is programmed correctly. Right? So far, not to date.

Remember if there was a way to "figure out the market", there would be no market. Think about it
In other words, instead of trying to solve it, you should approach trading with the correct mindset. How can I get involved, survive, and then ultimately take a profit?

Let me table this concept. Unfortunately it is not my own. However, I am duty bound to pass it on:

Any intelligent fool can make things more complex and harder to solve. It is the genius who is willing to go in the opposite direction. Remember, genius is the ability to make the complex simple.

This is not to take away from gentlemen like George Lane who developed the stochastic. The stochastic measures a closing price and price range over a period of time. Don't get me wrong. Stochastics has a place in trading. But where is that place? After all, it is measuring the relationship between price and time. So what else shows us the relationship between price and time? Answer. A chart.

The novice will use the stochastic to try to figure out the market. The experienced trader will use it as a tool in his decision making process. But how much value should he place on it? Does he use it as the leader in his trading decisions? Answer, no.

But I have digressed.

What is the world's greatest indicator? The leader, is simply price. All other indicators should follow. The application is, as always, price and time. Is this indicator being applied to a suitable timeframe and pricing range? You will not know that answer until you learn to understand how to evaluate the relationship between price and time by using only price as indicator, first and foremost.

Trading is just like any other discipline. The formula for success is four simple steps:

1. Training
2. Practice (this is where you gain experience).
3. Implement.
4. Repeat.


Are you thinking entering the fascinating world of stock trading? You are not alone - Online stock trading is clearly a phenomenon of our times. It is one of the most popular forms of trading because the only components you need are a computer and an Internet connection. But be warned: Stock trading is not something to jump into without considerable thought. Estimates are that 80% to 90% of all those who begin stock trading today will lose their trading capital within the next 12 months.

Stock trading is like running any other kind of business. There are three "secrets" to stock trading success:

Buy when the market is going up and sell when the market is going down.

Always know when to exit. Have a stop loss and a profit target

Pick the "right" stock In this article we want to focus on "picking the right stock". Many traders are looking for help using so called Stock Picking Services, and they start their quest by entering the search term Best Stock Picking Service into the search engines. Not surprisingly, these "Best Stock Picking Services" often require a hefty fee for their services, and you might end up getting caught in a so-called "pump-and-dump" schemes.

Here's how it works:

These so-called "Best Stock Picking Services" buy a certain stock that's typically trading at $0.02 - $0.10. Many times, these stocks are not even listed on the exchanges, and the volume is typically only a few thousand shares per day. After these "Best Stock Picking Services" bought a few ten-thousand of these shares, they start recommending it to their subscribers. You will experience that it is not easy to buy these stocks since they are not listed on regular stock exchanges. And if you ask your broker to buy this stock for you, you might end up paying 4-5 times more than normal commissions.

The "Best Stock Picking Service" is now hoping that many of their subscribers will start buying this stock. They typically say "It's trading now at $0.02 and it should go up to $0.12". That would be a whopping 600%. Since stock traders are greedy by nature, many people might start buying this stock, and since there is a sudden demand, initially the stock prices will go up.

But before the stock hits the predicted exit price, your "Best Stock Picking Service" starts selling (dumping) the stock that they bought BEFORE they recommended it to their list. Since they typically bought large amounts of this stock, there's suddenly an enormous supply of this stock and prices start falling. More and more investors panic and sell their stocks; driving stock prices further down. After a massive sell-off the stock is typically trading at the same level as it was BEFORE the "Best Stock Picking Service" started recommending it; sometimes even below. Investors are losing their money, and the only winner in this game is you "Best Stock Picking Service".


Learn how to find your own best stock picks. It is not as difficult as you might think. We will cover some basic stock picking rules in another article.


YOU are your own best stock picking service. By all means avoid subscribing to a service that is only "pumping" a stock to investors to drive the prices up and then "dump" it before the investor knows what's happen. Learn how to do it yourself, and you will save a lot of money. Go to seminars on stock trading, buy books, use simulations if possible and practice reading market indicators. Get a mentor.
In short: Get educated. It's the best investment you will ever make!


Candlestick Charting Explained

Candlestick charts are constructed using the same elements that the traditional bar charts use; however, traders using candlestick charting techniques are more interested in the sentiment indications that are derived from the different candlestick formations. In my experience, this provides a considerable edge over bar charts once you study the formations which I will discuss further in this series of articles. The bar is composed of the following components: high, low, open, and close. The rectangular portion of the bar is considered as the "real body", this represents the range between the candle's open and close. When the real body is black (or red in some stock charting applications), this indicates that the open is higher than the closing price of this period. Conversely, a white real body (or green in some applications) indicates a bullish tone with the close being higher than the open of that period. The "wicks", or upper and lower shadows that you see on the bar represent the high and low of the period. You may already see visual benefits to the construction of the candlestick charts. Notice how it allows you to see whether the bulls or bears are in control immediately. Secondly, the size of the real body can tell you a lot about the conviction of the direction. Basic Reversal PatternsLet's take a look at some of the common candlestick reversal patterns. Let's get something straight here, these reversal patterns cannot be used as stand-alone indicators for trend reversal. You will lose money if you attempt to do this. We must analyze support and resistance, volume patterns, and other indicators in conjunction with these signals.

Hanging Man

Let's start with the Hanging Man. This setup occurs after an extended rally and indicates that the trend is weakening and a possible reversal may be at hand. The ideal hanging man pattern consists of a short upper shadow, long lower shadow and small real body. What does the candle tell us about the psychology of the traders in this stock? The long wick indicates that the sellers stepped in and dumped a considerable position into the market, most likely because they are taking profits off the table. As I said above though, the signals derived from candlestick charts cannot be used on their own; volume is also an important component of the analysis. For example, if you are day trading using 5 minute charts and the stock only trades 2000 shares per 5 minutes, this setup is most likely not the result of true selling but rather the result of a lack of liquidity. Illiquid stocks usually have large bid/ask spreads and this can cause violent swings in the price. I pay close attention to the time and sales window, otherwise known as the "tape", to help me understand the nature of the buy and sell orders coming through. As tops take some time to form, you need to wait for confirmation before you heed the signal of the hanging man. At least, wait for a close below the low of the hanging man before going short or selling your long position. This way, you confirm that all those traders that got long on that sharp bounce from the hanging man pattern are all now in a losing position. This will add to the probability that they will need to sell out of their long positions.


The hammer is basically identical to the hanging man in formation, however, it occurs after a strong move to the downside rather than a move to the upside like the hanging man. The real body of the hammer can be black or white. Reason being, the formation indicates that there was panic selling in the stock. Ideally, we would have a white real body, but a black body is okay as they both indicate a strong move off the lows of the candle. The lower shadow should ideally be at least twice the height as the real body and there should be a very small upper shadow.

As with the hanging man, volume is very important in the hammer. High volume gives you further confirmation that a bottom may have been put in on this candle. In my experience, there is a 50/50 chance of a hammer being retested before the stock or market goes higher. Look for large volume on the hammer candle and if there is a retest look for dramatically lighter volume selling this down to support. A close below the hammers' low would negate this pattern.

Now, there is a key difference in the two candlestick charting setups; market bottoms are made on fear while market tops are made with greed. Fear is much easier to gauge than greed and therefore, tops take much longer to form than bottoms. You will notice many times that once you see a hanging man come into the market, it will be retested a couple times as the big boys unload their shares to the greedy public. Conversely, fear creates a mob mentality which has everyone selling out at the same time. This type of trading washes out the weak hands and allows the big boys to eat all of those shares up. It is for this reason that bottoms create strong rallies in a very quick fashion.

Below is a classic example of a hammer formation using candlestick charts. I will use the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) to show you a clear example of how this works. Just recently, during the credit crisis that hit the stock markets, the Dow Jones printed a massive hammer at the lows of that sharp sell off from 14000. Notice the enormous volume and huge price reversal that occurred on this day. This was a panic bottom and this market rallied over 10% without a retest of those lows. You may not always get a absolute price retest; however, the market will provide a retracement that will give you an opportunity to size up a buy point.
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We will cover the theories of price and volume in future articles; however, lets discuss some basic principles using the DJIA. After a spike bottom is made, there will be a automatic rally off of the lows. The high created from this rally will serve as resistance in the future. In this case, the automatic rally went to 13400, as marked by the yellow line. The reaction off of that high is called the "secondary test". This level will serve as support and in essence we have our boundaries of a short term trading range. That range is now 13000 to 13400. We now look for clues to get long and that came in the form of a "spring" off the bottom of the range. A spring is simply a test of a prior low where that low has been penetrated intra-period; however, not closed below. That is exactly what we saw and this was a low risk buy entry on the close of that candle.

Engulfing Pattern

So far, we have covered two individual candlestick formations; I am now going to move focus to a few multi-candle reversal patterns. The first one, the engulfing pattern is a major reversal sign that is composed of two opposite color real bodies. The basis of this pattern is that the current bars' real body engulfs the prior bars real body, not necessarily the shadows. The bullish engulfing occurs after a sharp move down while the bearish engulfing occurs after a sharp move higher.

Bullish engulfing formations are most powerful when they are combined with previous support levels. These patterns by themselves will make you lose more than not. Additionally, when scanning to find these setups, I find that the larger the candles, the more reliable the signal is. It is relatively simple to define your risk parameters when entering a trade based on this setup. Basically, a rule of thumb is that you can set your stop loss below the lowest low of the two candles involved; a move below this level would negate this pattern. Going forward, the lows that were set out of this pattern should provide strong support on any potential re-tests.

The bearish engulfing is same formation as the bullish engulfing but it is in the opposite direction. We are looking for the same sort of criteria. There are a couple of small tweaks that will make both of these patterns more reliable when you use them. Look for a small real body in the first candle of these formations followed up by a long real body on the second candle. This indicates that there is some force behind the move.
Secondly, notice the speed in which the rally or decline takes place preceding the pattern. An engulfing pattern in this case can indicate profit taking. Finally, as I have been mentioning; volume has a large influence to whether or not this pattern will work. You want to see heavy volume in the second candle.

Wrap up:

We have gone over a few simple, yet powerful, reversal patterns using candlestick charts. Use these tools to supplement your analysis, not as your only form of analysis. As we discussed above, take a look at support and resistance levels which add to the validity of the formations as does volume analysis. In the following articles regarding candlestick charts, I will cover more formations such as: stars, doji's, and three black crows.